The Summer Mood Challenge came and went. It became a thought transformation period.
I regained trust in my abilities to go beyond my secure circle. The lack of balance from vertigo is no longer an obstacle instead it is something I work with.
I do as much as I can do. I give each day my best.
There is no real approach. There is no fast lane. There is no contest.
There is me living life. I live inspired about the day.
I live inspired by the people who provoke love and joy. So I continue.
There is much more of me to give. I do not to hold back based on what occurred in the past.
I do not stop if today did not go as planned.
Instead I focus on spreading my wings wider. Of being present to the feeling of freedom.
So I walk on my path. Feeling joyful as I enter a new era, the era of my 39th birth year.
My fourth life cycle according to indigenous traditions.
I honor my ancestors and my being by taking care of my health; physical, mental and spiritual.
Living Kiki's Journey.