
I believe in living life to the fullest but for a very long time I felt like I was not living. My outgoing personality shined through but I was often telling myself, "fake it until you make it". After awhile I felt like I had I lost my sense of freedom. I shamed myself for being over weight and it led to a cycle of over eating. I frequently isolated myself from friends and family. I was uncomfortable with my weight. I lived pretending I was living full out when in reality I was hiding. 

I started this transformation with therapy to get to the core of my behavior and to build the confidence necessary to believe in myself. Years of living with obesity along with the pattern of starting and failing diets had taken a toll. I also had to come to terms with isolating myself and avoiding social activities and people. I reached my turning point when life gave me reality checks; polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, high blood pressure and diabetes. My heart used to be filled with love, and life. Now it was broken by the thought of a short life span. I knew it was time to make a change. I started my journey and I started to blog.

During the journey I found the importance of forgiving myself and providing myself with self-love. I still remind myself of this daily. I cannot pretend I have all the answers. Nor can I pretend I have it all figured out. All I know is I'm playing the game. I am doing something daily to get closer to the goal. I try not make myself wrong if I do not get it right after a meal or a work-out. Instead I dust myself off look at what I did and make improvements. This makes a HUGE difference and I'm seeing the results.

It is a work in progress, just like this blog, and I make changes daily. Some are small, some are large but in the end it is all towards progress. More than anything I have built my confidence to a level where I believe I can accomplish the goal. The goal is 146 lbs. and this may change once I get closer. It used to be daunting to declare 200lbs. and I was okay with just getting to 200lbs. Now I'm thinking bigger because I believe in me and 146lbs. is no longer unbelievable. It is totally doable. 

I hope to provide you with much inspiration as I share my journey. I am by no means an expert in fitness or nutrition. I am just a girl working towards the largest goal in her life. Let the journey continue...

To releasing the yo-yo pattern.

To letting go of the idea of "I have to be fat" to be safe.

To allowing the process to take place.

To being patient with the process.

To working hard for the goal.

To believing in myself.

To living life fully.