I often struggle with how much I share. Is it too much? Is it for the right reasons?
It is my main objective to share from an authentic place where there is less concern about looking good and pleasing everyone. I share my story because I hope it will help someone who may relate to my story.
Yet there are concerns about oversharing and there are concerns about critics. Those are the moments I focus on the concept EGO VS SOUL.
My SOUL is here for others. I have always known that about myself. I LOVE doing things for people. I like to see people smile and laugh. I like to help people heal.
I like to see others reach their highest potential.
I hope to continue to share as best as I can to help others and to remain coachable to lifes lessons.
This Weeks Progress
- I started all of my mornings with AM Yoga
- I completed a round of 30 minute circuit training daily.
- I completed my journal entry while sipping my lemon water and ginger every AM.
I find this morning routine works well for me because I complete three of my daily goals before I leave for work. This allows me to be present with others.
I know not everyone is an early bird but see what little games you can create for yourself to get motivated and going. Have an internal conversation to see what your SOUL desires.
Have a Wonderful Friday and Keep strong this weekend.