Friday, November 14, 2014

Remain Coachable

Coaching Principles

Coaching applies to all areas of life. There are Performance Coaches, Skills Coaches, Career Coaches, Personal or Life Coaching, Business coaching, Executing coaching and well I'm sure of a whole other of varieties. The principal is the same. They are all there to enhance your performance, increase your effectiveness and productivity. They teach you core skills and focus on areas of concern. They provide you with feedback and keep you focused on your main objective. They help you view your own capabilities, achieve your aspirations; no matter the constraint. 

Remaining Coachable is accepting what the coach has to say, offer, and taking it and running with it; even when you don't want to hear it, believe it or just plain don't see it. It is remaining present to the principles they are teaching.

Workout Session's

This week I did not do yoga every morning. I notice my head space changes and I must return to my yogi ways soon. All of my other workouts have been good. I've doubled up on ROAR and stuck to spinning and kickboxing as planned. Then I got slow. I was slow on Wednesday and Thursday. I've had a few stressful days and thought it was related to that but boy was I wrong.

It was my attire but I didn't realize it until Anthony asked, "what's wrong?" I said, "my clothes are falling off!!!" - his response, "yea you're getting small!" - I gave him a look and smiled. 
I kept going and didn't think about it much more until this morning. 


My clown pajamas must go! 11/14/14
I woke up and looked in the mirror and started to bust out laughing. My pants were slowly creeping down and for the first time ever I noticed how big my clown pajamas were!!! I could wrap the shirt all the way around and could fit a whole other person in my pants! Somehow all the coaching my friend Susie and my cousin Paola did to get me into smaller clothes did not translate into the pajama and workout departments! So once more I must listen and realize yes I am getting smaller. This time I am not afraid. I am not daunted. I am simply accepting this as part of my course...and running with it.

Here's to new clown pajamas!