...is I am making a change and overcoming whatever this is. My way every day. What exactly is my way? Reading. Studying. Practicum. Trial and error. fall. UP again.
Repeat. I usually give it me best and it never appears like enough to me.
I descredit myself easily. I expect more. From everything. I run so high and then I fall real low. This is where I am now. Only this time it is different. It is always different. Though I experience the same patterns: Weight gain, ear infections, vertigo, pcos, endo., ...and - look at that no diabetes or high blood pressure on my list. But wait the doc said I am a diabetic. A diabetic controlled with diet and exercise --> N : BUT MY NUMBERS ARE NORMAL. LIKE FOR NORMAL PEOPLE.
DR: ONCE A DIABETIC ALWAYS A DIABETIC. THAT IS WHAT I HAVE TO TELL YOU AS A DR. N: well I don't hear you! I'm not taking on the label. I am not owning that. But I will keep eating healthy and exercising. SO I SHALL.
Vertigo is still ongoing and my stability is improving. Or so I tell myself. I take this day by day with optimism. I get over joyed with progress and then seem to relapse. Conventional medicine leads me from one Dr to another. Eastern medicine seems to be helping the most. I am still not completely comfortable with sharing the ins and outs of how I feel daily. I am hesitant much like I am about moving. I like to fill my head with positive thoughts so I often don't share how I truly feel until I can't take it anymore. I'm trying not to struggle while struggling all the way. I am persistent.
I am open to positive changes in my journey towards a healthy me.