I have a vision of how things should appear. How it should unfold but the truth of the matter is it does not always work out that way. I may be real happy and diligent one day; and not so much the next. The same underlining tone remains. I still commit acts of sabotage. Reasons unknown and really at this point it is just for lack of being my word.Acknowledgement
This time I am not hiding away at home. I am coming out and being active no matter how much my vertigo acts up, no matter how much I cough, no matter how much it hurts e.g. my knee, my back, my ear etc. Whatever it is I can manage it. I am not willing to sit in the shadows and play small. I am not willing to stay away from people who provide love, share their stories and are full of encouragement. I can work through it.I am also acknowledging my shortcomings by admitting what shames me; I still have all of those clothes that don't fit me! - Tomorrow is the day I take the first step and clear 10 bags of plus size clothing. I'm donating them to Downtown Women's Shelter because they often need plus-sizes. I have given up the story that I need to sell them to make some extra money. I believe acts of kindness will continue to provide me with abundance and prosperity.
Remain Open
I continue to share myself with others and release old negative thought patterns. Those patterns no longer limit me. I open the door to my home as I do the door to my heart. I am moving through thoughts of forgiveness and love. So I'm jumping in and hosting Yoga Night at my house.This weeks Coaching Lesson
I remain coachable by believing all is well and that everything is working for my highest good. I remain focused and believe myself to be unstoppable in the face of fear. I am conquering one item at a time and trusting life.Namaste.