Monday, May 4, 2015

Monthly Feature - Inspiration Cycle


May 2015


My Motivation.

When I started my journey I was intimidated by exercise.  I started by walking and joined a studio after a 40 pound loss. This is where I met Eden. She did not say much. She showed up with a game face and always worked hard. I would say the hardest. As I struggled with my crunches I pushed harder at each glimpse of Eden. I admired her strength and stamina. I would look for her to imitate her form and she took notice. She was not like other fit girls. She took the time to tell me, "do it this way". 
Its been almost two years since I met Eden and I am fortunate enough to have gotten to know her better. She has shared her knowledge about food and nutrition through the Freeology workshops and seminars. It was then that I learned more about Eden's journey. It added a new level of respect and admiration. I feel at ease with Eden; we can easily joke and laugh or share and develop ideas.
Eden, your dedication to help others in the community to reach new heights is inspirational. Your kind and caring nature has always made me feel at ease and you never made me feel incapable of doing anything. I enjoy working out at your side and look forward to our future ventures; Tough Mudder Challenge, Spartan Sprint and the creation of our exercise dance class! - haha ! Thank you Chica for being you and for always motivating the bunch! xoxo
--Read about Eden's journey on Wednesday, 5/6/15--