Saturday, July 30, 2011

Yes, I’ve known for some time that things were rocky. Yes, I understand why. And yes, I’m a grown woman.

But, and this is a BIG but, I never thought it would actually happen. I’ve been on hiatus simply because I thought “I cannot deal, I cannot cope and I am failing”. When I wrote I would be back once school was over it was because I thought the worst was behind me but it turned out it was just getting started. You see there is the stuff I shared, the stress of school work and work but not that of family life. My father and mother after 41 years of marriage have separated. He left April 1st. The news hit me like an icy cold bucket of water hitting and shocking my warm back. I  just dealt with work and school - I was super busy and had plenty to do with both. It was tough to focus with my parents “noise” in the background but I thought…”once school is out I can refocus on fitness, my blog and health”. Instead I found all of this extra time to think, to finally cope with what had happened 2 ½ months  prior. It gave me the first opportunity to actually miss my father in their home. It made me sad, depressed and angry. It made me feel as though I, we, the family he left behind, was not good enough. Sure, we can visit, we can hang BUT the way he left, his actions have not been the best and the man I once respected and loved is not there. I have no interest in sharing anything with him. It is and never will be the same again.

Seeing my mother in a deep state of hurt, depression and fear drew more emotional pain and a deep sense of helplessness. She also wanted to keep the separation from family and this muted us all. The shame she tied to it made it harder and the inability to discuss it with anyone stripped us of self-expression. I also didn’t share with many friends since she said,  “don’t tell anyone  in case he comes back”. I knew the probability of this was low, very low. I didn’t fight her because part of me, while being angry and hurt, wanted to believe “daddy” could repent, change and come back. My mothers state of denial soon became mine. I focused on food. I ate my thoughts and pain away only to find more deep inside. I didn’t work out, I didn’t blog, I didn’t diet. Instead I went back to “my friends” sugar and carbs. Turkey dinner orders at restaurants became a regular meal and multiple chocolate bars in one sitting became the norm. I sometimes thought about it and felt bad. The guilt of overeating would sometimes rise but the numbing of emotions caused by food felt better. The feeling of being 9 years old and being soothed by food came back. I was simply okay.

Until one day I looked down and my stomach looked larger. I weighed myself and I was not surprised to find I had a 12 pound gain. In three weeks – from the time I got out of school to the first time I got on a scale – I gained 12 pounds! I could not stay quiet anymore. I could not continue to sulk. I had to start to voice how I felt. I had to share. I was eating away because of the lies and secrets. I thought NO MORE, lets express the truth and let our soul run free. In the end, life continues whether he’s in it or not. Life goes on. I spoke to my mother and told her about the impacts of their separation and how I thought not being able to discuss it was the source of my 12 pound gain. We as a family could not continue to live in lies. She played hard ball but she finally agreed to talk about it with aunts and extended family. The cover-ups and lies of his whereabouts became a thing of the past.  The simple act of saying the truth lifted something off of my shoulders and took the food out of my hands.

This week I started to do “half-portions” again. This week I’ve stopped myself when I’ve gone to far. But most importantly this week I gained control. Yes, they are still fighting over things. Yes, it’s still stressful. But now I can talk about it, I can say how I feel and I don’t have to stuff food down my mouth to soothe the pain and to keep my mouth shut. I am once again free. Free from having to use food.

current weight: 275 lb.
lowest weight was: 263 lbs.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"I will not be caged. I will not be restrained"

From time to time I will share quotes from one of the books that changed my outlook on food. While old habits are hard to break I need to remember that food will in the end cage and restrain me. I have been stress eating like crazy but I refocus when I find myself doing it and tell my self that is not the answer.

I have shared a link to an excerpt from the book in O Magazine Oprah and Women Food And God

Happy Sleeping.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


It's not because I'm less comitted or because the goal has fallen out of existence. It is simply because I have too much school work and work work. I will soon be done with projects and continue with my 4 times a week postings.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

let's get down!

Image from handsonblog

It's finally coming off again! If you recall, I gained during Easter but I'm on my way down again. I weighed in at 264.7 lbs. today. So I'm 4lbs. down from my Easter gain and 1.3 lbs. down from my blog start weight.

My May excercise goal is shot since I haven't done my regular 5 days a week for several weeks now. My 2 mile walks help and allow me to feel good (distress). I do the best I can every day and I don't let guilt get the best of me when I don't have the time.

Listen to the song that gets me walking on YouTube The Ting Tings, We walk .

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I don't like to hear it.

Two Fat Ladies, Jennifer Paterson and Clarissa Dickson Wright

I was following my normal routine this morning. Get up, bathroom, turn on radio AND then I hear "fat friends are bad because they make you fat". Just what I wanted to hear first thing in the morning. It kind of hit a nerve but I kept on listening. They started talking about a study about obesity and how obese friends make skinny friends obese. The link to an article about the study is here.

I don't like to hear it. I simply hate it. Why? because it makes me feel like I'm damaged goods. My husband and I are the only "fat friends" in our circle but sometimes I question the activities we're invited to and which ones we hold back on. There may be some truth to it but it's also sounds like a correlation study (not conclusive) so there may be more negative stigma for fat people over something the media doesn't fully explain. In the end, I know a real friend will be there whether I'm fat or not. I also know I'm working on it and enjoy the company of my good friends while doing it. I just wish the media would get all of the facts about a study and explain it fully to the public so people on the radio wouldn't talk about it in such a nasty way. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


There is no point in me blaming it on time. I'm stressed and the lack of activity is taking a toll on my body.
Just thought I would note it and see if it would make a dif on my thinking process.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


i AM really tired. It's Thursday and I have yet to work out a single day this week. My umph to work out is out the door as soon as I get home. I say I will get moving but after a long day at work and then doing some homework I'm tired. I zonk out on the couch.

My solution. I don't have one. All I know is I am over being this tired yet I'm ready for a nap. I just don't get it. Let me jump up and at least walk in place. See if you want to do it with me!

Real Age Videos_Leslie Sanson_Walk at Home Part 1

Real Age Videos_Leslie Sanson_Walk at Home Part 2

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Photo by: Hill Creek Pictures/Getty Images

One of the tools that have helped me loose the weight is "listening" to my body. I learned this through reading several books about hunger and how it links to emotional eating, (the lack of hunger vs. actual hunger). It was very hard at first because it was a complete new concept and I did not completely trust myself. Then I found the guilt associated with certain foods was HUGE and I thought I could not allow myself to eat certain things because I would eat them even more to numb my feelings and thoughts. After about a year of listening to my body I saw a noticeable difference in my body, felt a difference in my thinking patterns and in my behavior. I allowed myself to eat what my body wanted including the occasional fast food burger, sweets, cakes and all of my faves with no guilt. The way I associated with food was different and I was loosing weight while doing it.

A week ago I was asked to keep a food journal and it's as though a wrench was thrown in my thought process. BAMN! I went WILD with a chili cheese burger and chili cheese fries. I, for the first time in a year, ATE the WHOLE THING! My body said no, by stomach was full but I kept on going. I felt GUILT, HUGE GUILT and the feeling deepend when I wrote it down in the so called food journal. Then I spiraled and wanted more and more bad foods. The negative self talk was so LARGE I continued to eat to numb myself and stop the noise. All of a sudden my positive self-talk and changed attitude went out the---forget the window--the county! I reached an all time low because the changed person I had been dealing with for the past year was all of a sudden not there--not in front of me. I could not even face myself when brushing my teeth in the mirror. I felt as though I had betrayed myself and once again I could not be trusted.

Yesterday was different. It was the day I didn't experience hunger. It was a fast paced work day and then I had to rush to school. It was a stressful day and instead of rushing to get the fast food or a high calorie chocolate bar, I waited it out ---yes I realize I went to the other side of the spectrum when it was 7:45PM and my only meal of the day was at 10:30AM--- not a good habit. However, for the first time in my life I understood people who have said they can't eat when they are stressed or busy. This is because I didn't emotionally reach for my snickers, Carl's Jr Burger or wathchamacallit. I was busy, stressed, worried but simply not hungry. I waited it out and at 8:30pm I had wild rice, grilled chicken and salad in the comfort of my own home. In my kitchen I was thinking salad never tasted so good. My body wanted salad and the GUILT of being human dissipated and the wrench in my thought process was gone. I once again felt in control of me, my body and felt how much I truly love me.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

was it just me?


I still can't believe I performed this song in class all by myself yesterday. I thought we were all dancing to the song and I was intensely doing my cat walk, cat crawl, cowgirl, lady and lazy bunny. What does that mean?!? I was rolling on the floor, kicking my legs up in the air, rolling my hips, spinning--well trying to spin--on the pole and everyone was watching...ME! One girl hit her leg so hard she couldn't move and the other girl forgot the routine so it was just me. I was so into it I didn't even notice until it was over!  The instructor loved it when I asked, "was it just me?". I imagine it being one of those movie moments where the film was rolling and it  was just me. Okay, okay, it got to my head! lol

Really though. It was a breakthrough, the entire time I danced I felt confident, sensual, womanly but most of all I felt comfortable in my body. No matter the size not matter the pounds for that instant I was just being openly and lovingly me. A feeling I hadn't had for years! I can say I love pole as my form of fitness. It motivates me to work out during the week and has made me, oh so very comfortable with myself. <smile>

Saturday, April 30, 2011

let's work it out

I realize you may not be able to read the calendar notes BUT I tried. Just like I tried to work-out for the entire month and at some point it fell out of existence. ---> more like "I don't have time", started to get in the way. What now? Well I learned a few things 1) I was able to maintain during Easter because I was being active and 2) I feel a whole lot better when I'm exercising.  My Goal for May is to keep up the routine.

Scribbles, colors and what they mean:
  • Pink - Pole Dancing Class 1hour and 45 min. The class consists of warm-up, stretching, core strengthening, pole instruction (dance routines) and cool-down. 
  • Blue - Zumba 20 min. It's dancing to salsa, merengue and cumbia rhythms. I use this as my cardio on xbox kinect. I like to follow along as the system scores my activity points.
  • Orange - Callenetics 1 hour. This was recommended by a friend that has a GREAT body. It's small muscle movements that make a huge difference. There is also a lot of stretching involved. I took pictures before starting callenetics and will post them after my 20th hour. 
  • Purple Stars - These are extras and activities I started with a few months back. 20 min on dance central (an xbox kinect game) and 2 miles with Leslie Sansone, a work out DVD. 
Another goal is to try and find a system where I can share with ease and minimal confusion. :D

Friday, April 29, 2011


Cadburrrrry Mini-Eggs, oh, how i love thee.

I LOVE food especially during Easter. It is the time of the year when I gain the "HOLIDAY" weight. I easily go up between 10-20 pounds. The Friday night feast style dinners and all of the yummy chocolate. My fave are the Cadbury Mini-Eggs...they just remind me of being a kid and looking at my beautiful easter basket. Let's put it this way, I bought a bag and that sucker was gone within 2 days. Yes two days!

Then I weighed in. My total weight gain for the Lent Season was 2.30. At first I didn't gain, not even a point.  I maintained but this week it went up and I actually said, "YES!!!" ---> it was as though my body was finally on my side. My sabotoging ways kicked in and the "comforts" of being in this big body became real. Then I thought I just need to face my fear of change. It is time to focus and keep my eye on the prize. 200.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Here it is. What I look like...well, partially. The irony of me blogging is--I have a REAL hard time with sharing and I mean intimate sharing. I don't want to be a punk complete odd ball and I figure it's okay to add some pics. As I get comfortable, I will open up more and at some point share my face. <giggle, giggle>

Heaviest 318 lbs.
Current weight: 367.1
My Stats

Heaviest: 318 lbs. 
Current Weight: 266.4 lbs.
Goal: 200 lbs.

Chest: 52
Waist: 55.5
Hips: 54

Well I'm still not sure if I see the dif but I went from a size 28 to a size 22 AND from a 4X to 2X. So I'm shrinking or so it seems.

Monday, April 25, 2011

ONE...or is it 66.4?

Weight is deeply rooted in the story of my life, or so it seems. I've been overweight since about the fourth grade and started dieting by the fifth grade. The patterns of weight loss have always been the same, loose a bunch, gain a bunch more. When I want to loose it I work hard and then at some point, (circle your preferred word), I give-up/stop/procrastinate/get to confident/get scared/just stop.

This time it's different. I'm not overly confident about the reasons why but it feels different. I've lost 51.6 pounds in the last two years and while the change hasn't been fast and dramatic; it is a change I feel good about. This is usually where I stop though. When I feel comfortable with how I feel but scared about all the changes my body will go through. So now I will be sharing myself with you. I will share stories and occurences of my past, present and future. There is no master plan just a first goal. The first goal is to loose 66.4 pounds by my birthday on October 13th. Why 66.4? Doctor's orders.

This will allow me to improve upon my overall health and then hopefully start a family.