I woke up tired and upset about missing my workout. After breakfast with a friend the inner workings of my mind transitioned to the perfection of this moment.
We had an intense but empowering conversation which led me to think about my journey. I realized how I've progressed over the years. It also made me present to how each person has their own struggle and the steps they need to take to overcome their barriers. How we each transition into each others life without chance and can make a valuable difference for one another. We all have fears. Large or small. We all have trials. It is what we do to overcome those trials that will make the largest difference.
I allow the memory of a great man who believed in people's rights ... to enter my heart. I allow his stance and strength for love to remain strong within me. This allows me to take a stand for my fellow man and a stand for my community. Simply because I believe in the beauty and grandness of your being. Just remember you can accomplish anything.
Here's to a beautiful day. Namaste.