Monday, February 9, 2015

Motivational Monday

The Coach in Action!
Freeology Seminar 02/07/15. Photo Rights: Freeology


My workouts are a huge part of my weight loss. I was never able to stick to a plan in the past. I did not know where to start or I would loose motivation when I did not see results. I would hire trainers and a lot of the times would quit because they were bad e.g. slapping my butt once I lost weight or telling me I would never do it without their help.

I also had the type if trainers who talked smack and pushed so hard I felt weak or stupid and I did not want to go back. Coach Anthony Freeman changed my game when I met him almost 2 years ago. He challenges me. He modifies routines. He switches routines. He does his research. He motivates.


The coach makes it a point to share what he knows and creates programs, workshops and seminars at reasonable costs for his students/clients. He is dedicated to fitness and is passionate about helping his community. In the past he provided free workshops for his students in order to improve our quality of life. You can see some of these guides on his  website media gallery


He recently hosted a Freeology Seminar where he provided knowledge about the importance of good food. I simplify this greatly due to the complexity of the topic. I am clear this is my next step in healthy living and hope to share some of his teachings through this blog. 


This is why on the day of his birth. I thank him. He has impacted my life in such a powerful way. He has made me fall in love with fitness through ROAR and has pushed me to spin. He reminds me I have more power than I think and pushes me when I think I can't do more. He has never made me feel less for my lack of ability and has always been respectful of my process.

Thank you coach for motivating me daily and for molding my body. May you be blessed with many more years. I look forward to inspiring fitness with you.

Feliz Cumpleanos Antonio! ;)

Friday, February 6, 2015

Remain Coachable


I have a vision of how things should appear. How it should unfold but the truth of the matter is it does not always work out that way. I may be real happy and diligent one day; and not so much the next. The same underlining tone remains. I still commit acts of sabotage. Reasons unknown and really at this point it is just for lack of being my word.


This time I am not hiding away at home. I am coming out and being active no matter how much my vertigo acts up, no matter how much I cough, no matter how much it hurts e.g. my knee, my back, my ear etc. Whatever it is I can manage it. I am not willing to sit in the shadows and play small. I am not willing to stay away from people who provide love, share their stories and are full of encouragement. I can work through it.

I am also acknowledging my shortcomings by admitting what shames me; I still have all of those clothes that don't fit me! - Tomorrow is the day I take the first step and clear 10 bags of plus size clothing. I'm donating them to Downtown Women's Shelter because they often need plus-sizes. I have given up the story that I need to sell them to make some extra money. I believe acts of kindness will continue to provide me with abundance and prosperity.

Remain Open

I continue to share myself with others and release old negative thought patterns. Those patterns no longer limit me. I open the door to my home as I do the door to my heart. I am moving through thoughts of forgiveness and love. So I'm jumping in and hosting Yoga Night at my house.

This weeks Coaching Lesson

I remain coachable by believing all is well and that everything is working for my highest good. I remain focused and believe myself to be unstoppable in the face of fear. I am conquering one item at a time  and trusting life.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday

We all have a story. We all have struggles. Here is more on Lola and how she remains diligent to achieve and sustain her goal.

Lola's Story 

Every day, every month, every year for over four years I have learned something new about myself. I’ve become my own motivator and super hero, I never knew how strong I was until now.
Being a single mom since 2001 has taught me strength, unconditional love, compassion, and to be a provider, protector, and a Guidance counselor for my children. I did not have a significant other to talk to when I felt down; However, I did have a wonderful sister to help me with my children. I also found something wonderful to replace a man, food! When I couldn’t find an answer to something or something would trouble me I always had food!

I lost my way, I lost Lola and I didn’t know where she was. Everyone has their own journey and reasoning for wanting to be fit. My reason wasn’t so much because I hated being fat,
I was always one of the most confident chunky girls you would have met in your life! I wore shorts with cottage cheese on my legs, and lord knows I thought I looked fine and sexy. Unfortunately, life and health issue’s came and it made me re-evaluate my whole lifestyle. I cut all the bad food cold turkey and started to cook for the first time in 30 years.

I was never athletic and never watched what I ate. As a matter of fact my favorite food was and continues to be a good hamburger with a side of unlimited fries! The very first mile I ever walked took me an hour and a half to complete, the very next day I woke up sore beyond all reason. The soreness did not stop me, it made me want to keep going, and as time passed I challenged myself to jog. To my surprise, one day I jogged a mile like it was nothing. Over the years I've tried different exercise methods: kettle balls, weight training, yoga, cycling, swimming, running, kickboxing and the list goes on. I might bore people with all of my fitness posts, but for me it’s a lifestyle I have adapted to. I don’t count on medications for depression or to cure what I have, instead I took control of my life and eat what I'm supposed to, to avoid the multi-million dollar pharmaceutical drugs that poison peoples bodies instead of making them better. God is truly the one that has given me strength and the one I talk out my issues with. God and exercise is my therapy.

This is a part of my story that continues to unfold day by day, and as long as God allows me to be here …. I'LL ENJOY LIFE 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Monthly Feature - Inspiration Cycle

I find inspiration in others. There are a few people who made me believe I could start this weight loss journey and succeed. I have met others who continue to inspire. I will start to feature some of these great people on a monthly basis. I may also share some of their tips and words of encouragement from time to time.

February 2015 


I've known Claudia "Lola" since she was born. Sure I do not recall her until I was about age 6 and we stopped seeing each other when I was 9. Their family moved away and our mothers would no longer hang out.  We reconnected through facebook about three years ago. We never spoke. She would actively share before and after pictures on facebook. She would post her meals and workouts.  All her images and shares made me think, I CAN DO IT!

When I asked her for tips she always responded. She invited me to events and I never came through. I was still trying to manage me. It was not until 01/01/15 that I accepted an invitation and decided to play full out. It was a group hike she organized to the Hollywood sign. It was then that we created the "Game Changers" team and entered the venture for tough mudder. It was the hike that changed it all. 

Lola is now an active part of my life. We both continue to push for our goals and remain positive about our life's work. We workout together at least 5 days a week and keep each other honest. There is a mutual love, understanding and level of encouragement. We are learning a lot about one another, our process and our friendship is blossoming daily. 

Thank you Lola for sprinkles of love and joy. Thank you for being a part of my inspiration cycle and my journey. You were key in me believing I could do it. Much love to you ... you warrior! 

Motivational Monday


I was recently asked what it would be like for me if I did not care about my image. My immediate response was freedom to be, open with my heart on my sleeve, delicate with the courage to share, and unstoppable in the most girly way (princess warrior with a pink feather band). If I had to sum it up in simple words it is centered, focused and balanced. Exactly the way I feel when I am in my yoga meditative state. The question was perfect and it cemented the enlightening experience I had the day before.

Lucy, the instructor and I. 

Friday Night Yoga

At the end of the session we were asked to focus on something we have not been able to release. For me it was my willingness of letting go. The feeling was almost out of body and for all you new age junkies, like me, it was a beautiful image of orange and red. It gave me vision to actively push without fear. When Yoga was over I felt this level of peace that has trickled into every part of recent days. I have been enjoying every moment of my day. I am present. I see color more vividly. Beautiful and wonderful things have just been happening. I am present. I am one with me.


I shared about doing the tough mudder at my weight watchers meeting (down 4.4 at weight in). I was open about the fear I have been facing while training. I told them about the feeling of true change in me. I did not explain my new age Yoga experience but they must have seen it in my face, heard it in my voice and felt it with my presence. My declaration caused "ooos" and "aaaa's" and the room felt instantly warmer; full of encouragement, joy and love. A few of them called me their inspiration and asked about how to get active themselves. The icing on the cake was Jose sitting next to me with a look of pride and joy.

We are in love. I am so grateful to have a him witness my journey. I appreciate our moments of growth and feel honored because he chose me.


It was group hike day. This was an event I planned. I was hesitant when I started planning mostly because I knew this meant sharing myself with people for the day. As mentioned in the past being truly open and present with people can be difficult for me. Yet I knew it was time to venture out, meet with old friends and create new memories. The outcome was fantastic. I was proud for going out and being open. I felt so much encouragement and motivation while walking through the beautiful sights.

I find that isolating myself only allows me to create negative story lines. It also makes me play small because I do not face who I really am ... a powerful woman. I can declare I own who I am and it feels beautiful. I am present to how great I can be and I do not mean this in an arrogant way for I am humbled by all whom share their stories and lives with me. The conversations we have and the struggles we share only makes us appreciate one another and understand we are not alone. We all have a story and we all have dreams to achieve greatness.

Here's to continuing to achieve greatness.