Friday, November 20, 2015

Remain Coachable

The hardest days require the most attention. They require alignment to yourself and to your being. At least that is what I tell myself. I did not want to meal prep for the day. I did not want to eat the same type of salad. I was getting ready to walk out the door and just wing it.
Then I thought about :

  • The hard work I've put in the last two weeks.
  • The way I've been feeling after a good meal. 
  • The way I'm feeling today and how it may contribute to bad choices. 

So I put on my jeans that fit after two weeks ... and prepped a salad for lunch.

Spinach Mix Salad

3 cups of spinach
2 T of Arugula
1/2 of a red pepper
1 egg
2/3 cups of purple potatoes
3T of garbanzo beans
1/3 cup of yellow cherry tomatoes
1 T of sun dried tomatoes
2T of mozarella cheese
1T of cranberries
2T of walnuts

I included cheese because I knew I wanted something creamy in the mix. Also because yesterday three different people told me the same thing: Don't be so hard on yourself.

So I remain coachable by staying on track and practicing balance in every day decisions.

Have a great Friday.