Tuesday, November 24, 2015


I've been overweight my entire life. I've held on to this fat as my form of protection and as my shield against the world. It has been a part of me for as long as I can recall.

It too has been a source of pain and illness. Pain because my appearance sometimes made me an outkast ... it was the source of teasing and name calling. Even by my own father. He called me,  elefante. It was painful and mean. I often told him to stop but he took it lightly until this past Sunday.

After a deep heart to heart conversation he acknowledged his regrets and wrong doings. He apologized for any wrong doing. Specifically name calling. I shared with him how much it meant to me. I told him how for years I tried reframing and applied the positive significance to "elefante". But on bad days when my self-esteem was low...all I could hear was my negative dad.

His response : You are wise beyond your years. You have taught me and continue to teach me so much. I am proud of who you are and how much you accomplish. I am sorry if I ever hurt you with my ignorance and my actions.

I responded with : I am the elephant because of what I practice not because I am fat. I can own that now. Thanks for your acknowledgement.

He smiled and agreed.


Be the light.  Shine bright.  Be grand.