Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 24. Nine Years Ago.

Outfit Details.
Dress size 2x from Torrid Summer Season 2013.
Sweater size 2x from Torrid Summer Season 2012.
Shoes Franco Sarto Summer Season 2013.

Today I weight exactly what I weighed on my wedding day, 258 pounds. It is not skinny, it is not fit but it is the weight I'm comfortable in. Strange I know. 

Does this change the goal? No. Does this mean I would have preferred to be another size on my wedding day? Not sure. All I know is that I am the smallest I've been in 9 years and its an awesome way to celebrate my nuptials and recent accomplishment. 

My husband and I will not be celebrating our anniversary today since he is out if town on business. Instead we will go away for the weekend. So tonight I will work out. The first work out since Saturday. I'm really looking forward to it. :D