Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 29. Challenge.

This whole process is a challenge and I keep pushing. I did NOT wake up at 4:30A for my regular yoga and cardio routine. I told myself if I don't do it in the morning then I have to do it after work at the Citi Plaza 24. I HATE that gym. It challenges my comfort level. Challenge met.

I noticed while on the bike that my heart rate was pretty steady and not like in the past. I added resistance and also did more elliptical training. I was real close to quitting but I kept on pushing. Challenge met. 

Then I got home with an hour and a half to spare before dance class. I took a nap and overslept. I was going to call and say I can't make it because I really didn't want to go. Instead I pushed myself and thought 5-8 min. late isn't ideal but not that bad either. I went and had a blast sweating. Challenge met. 

To accomplishing small, big and every other type of challenge.