I did not work out today. I over slept and had plans for the night. Though I had no real desire of going out due to being ill. I had promised my younger cousins I would take them out.
I decided to test the waters. It wasn't all positive but there were some good moments. We cruised up PCH and had dinner at Neptunes Net. I ordered the clam chowder and garden salad. Not the healthiest choice but I got so full with the clam chowder I didn't get to the salad. Surprising!
Then we went to the sand mountain. My intention was to climb it since I didn't work out. Instead I had to stop because of how I was feeling. I cut our night short soon after.
It was still nice to see the ocean and I did not get tired while going up the mountain. I stopped because of how I felt in general. The whole incident was frustrating and hopeful. I can't remember the last time I went up the mountain. I felt like I could this time and if I didn't I was going to see how far or how long. So as soon as my lady days are over I'm going to make a day out of it. I will head to the top with a bag in case I need breaks. Not long ones because I'm going to time myself but I will also be prepare just in case. As a reward I will have a salad at neptunes net, yes I said salad and I mean it.
To building strength.
------- I had a mini-work out before editing and posting--------