Monday, April 27, 2015

Motivational Monday

From left to right. I'm enjoying a lime, ginger, cilantro pop created by .
Sunday session with the special training tool. Killer Resistance.

 I focus on the positive people in my life;those who I see daily and encourage me to make good choices. I allow others to get to know me and expand my circle. I remain grateful because my life, with it's ups and downs, is a beautiful life worth living.

This weeks Sunday Session is a great example of this. I was struggling with my knee pain but remained coachable. Others in the group were also discussing their ailments and limitations. After awhile I said, "no more, get working". They all saw it as "Norma is bringing down the hammer" but I explained my reasoning at the end of the session:  

     If I came down hard on everyone because it is important that we do not give in to the inner                  voice and the explanations. I understand we have those feelings but I encourage you to reframe            your outlook when in doubt and create positive notions. The mind will allow you to get much              further if you do not focus on the negative. You can acknowledge the pain, you can try the                  exercise and then if you cannot do it. Do the modification. Do what will get you there the next            time. Just do not give in the inner voice and stop. "DO" what you can do. Accept the feeling then        move through it.

I did just that through most of my workouts last week. I tried it, couldn't do it, then kept going. By Tuesday I was ready to throw in the towel. I dragged to the workout but got there. By the Saturday I was struggling at the beach. Then on Sunday, as if it wasn't hard enough, Anthony added a resistance band training tool to the mix. I let go of the inner conversation and talked myself through my ability to do it. 

You to can reach great heights with a change of thought. You can reach your goal. You can do it all.

Here's to staying empowered.