Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday


The workout schedules I create keep me on track. I have not created a schedule for a few months because I was working with "Los Game Changers" and our team schedule. I was also sick in January and most of February. My motivational Monday share from 03/02 was an eye opener. The endomondo e-mail made me want to plan and do more.

Activity Boundaries

I created my workout schedule and have set some supportive boundaries for myself. For example, I have a few "EXTRAS" on the schedule like Kickboxing/Under the Belt on Tues. & Thur., ROAR as a double on Mon. & Wed. Which means if I feel good and energized I will take the EXTRA class. If not I will go home and rest after ONE class. This will still put me at 2 hours of exercise a day since I am sticking to yoga and PiYo mornings. Activity in the morning keeps me focused and balanced. I notice the difference in my performance right away. I am also walking, hiking or jogging for a minimum of 30 minutes 4 days a week.

Playing Big

The goal is to keep a steady pace and shoot for at least 2 hours of activity a day. Friday's are my OPTIONAL active recovery days and will be the exception with an an hour of activity. If I am sick I will not make myself wrong. I will listen to my body and provide it with self-love. If that requires rest so be it. However, I will not use illness as a cop-out so if I feel I can remain active...I will keep pushing. I am playing big!

Here's to lighting the fire and keeping it moving!