Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week 4.

My Goddaughter and I at Saturday Jazz Brunch.

Food. Free Day.

Yesterday was a free day filled with champagne, ice cream and fried tacos. I could have done without it. Mainly because it was excessive and I don't enjoy the food. When I eat in excess I find myself feeling disgusting afterwards. It is not a wrong, guilt or bad feeling it is more like, "OMG I can't walk and this is so uncomfortable feeling". Then I find myself craving salads and fruit. Eating healthy has become the norm.

Yet I'm struggling with conversations about food e.g. my mom talking about Friday night dinner during lent, friends talking about dinner out on the town, or planning a weight loss celebration by going to brunch. Those conversations/plans do not align with how I'm feeling and what I want to accomplish. I struggle because I know I need to make changes somewhere in this realm. I'm not sure exactly where and will focus on this more during week 4.

Scheduled Weight Training and 1/2 Cardio Make-up Session

Work Out

I WORK-OUT! This has become second nature to me and I am pretty good, (no matter how tired I am), about getting out and being active. I've realized that I struggle with the idea of getting it done more than I do with the actual work-out. I always feel AWESOME right afterwards so there is really no reason not to get pumped about a work-out. Week 4 is the last week I have the same weight training rotation so I will be sharing about the details in days to come. I'm still trying to make-up work-out's from my sick days but I will have to let go of the make-up idea some of them this week. 

To exploring my conversation around food and letting go.