Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Lent: The time of year...

...when I gain the most weight.

This is the time of year when I GAIN, GAIN, GAIN. The time of year when I say, "oh my mom only makes this during lent so I must have it." 


This year I have a 12-week challenge. This year I am committed more than ever. This year I BELIEVE I can meet GOAL.


I am going to engage in only the positive behaviors of my lent traditions. I will volunteer and share myself with others. Do good for others.


I am also going to do something I have not done for years during lent. I am giving up something: I am giving up the story that I am meant to be fat. I am giving up my fear associated with being anything other than who I truly am: a happy and loving person full of life.


San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Oct. 2013
I am going to meet goal. I am clear my day to day "sacrifices" i.e. behavioral modifications, the hard work-outs, the amount of times I say, "NO", when I'm offered something unhealthy; are all for a greater good.


I am owning my greatness and sharing myself with others. I am going to mentor at risk-teens and live a life of purpose.

To reflecting, sacrificing and doing good for others.