It is easy to get comfortable. It is easy to fall into excuse mode, "my knee hurts so I can't push hard". Then there is that other convo, "but I'm having fun".
Well, how fun is it when you have to take medication 2 - 3 times a day.
Better yet, how much fun is it when you huff and puff up a flight of stairs.
I still do the latter, but I'm not going to get any better by taking it easy.
I have the train hard to matter what mindset. I am mentally ready.
Yesterday I wrote about what I was going to do. This morning at 4:30A when my alarm went off I was ready to snooze. I went to the restroom and I was starting to talk myself into going back to bed. Then I saw therock's IG pic... 3:50?!?! DAMN!
I thought about the rocks body and then I said, "yep you're doing this!"
I ended the intended routine; Yoga (20), PiYo (23) and Bike (20). PiYo and Yoga are logged as one since there is no PiYo in the tracker. PiYo is a combo of Pilates, Yoga and Cardio. It is fast paced and makes me sweat like crazy 5 minutes in.
Do it
If you have a goal.If you said you would start.
Just do it because the feeling afterwards is SATISFYING!