I have been an open book. Displaying good and bad choices for a week. Last Friday I mentioned how I was practicing what I preach and being mindful about what I eat. In some ways I am coaching myself by making myself accountable and then getting up quickly with positive self-talk.
Weight Loss
I started the Diet Bet last Thursday by Sunday I was down 2.5 pounds. This was after a day of unplanned meals on Saturday. I did not prep snacks, or breakfast knowing I was going to do a 5k. When I went out for breakfast I ate 1/2 of a machaca plate telling myself it was not "that bad" and the trend continued with dinner.
Then Sunday came around...I got on the scale, "a loss?" --- Disneyland was a bust. I started my morning with good choices but by mid-day I was starving and eating those, oh not so good things; mickey mouse ice cream bar, a lil bit of popcorn, a lil bit of churro, a lil bit of turkey leg, a lil bit of cake. Then I said, "STOP!" - I said no more lil tastes and I made sure to add a salad and green beans to the meal I shared with Jose <clear throat> FRIED CHICKEN thigh!
By Monday morning I was up to where I started. BAMN!
I made a plan for Monday. I started to observe this is a yes, this is a no. When the girls went for a Starbucks run I joined them on the walk but ordered nothing. When I knew I had a busy day...I planned my snacks ahead of time. When they offered chocolate, I said, NO GRACIAS!
Yesterday's meals were off and reviewing it last night I thought, tomorrow I will have more fruit and salad. I will make good choices.
I am committed to breaking the "restrictive-eating" trend and practicing "free-eating" this weekend. I am also adding a mindset switch by creating my own definition for each term:
Restrictive-Eating : Foods that restrict me from being a healthy me. Foods that impair my weight loss and stop my weight loss progress. Foods that restrict my movement. These foods include french fries, cake, onion rings, ice-cream etc.
Free-Eating : Foods that nourish my body and provide free living. They allow me to be free of medication, free of ailments and allow me to move freely. They provide freedom. These foods include vegetables, fruits...power foods.
The Exception
I will allow one meal/event where I will eat what there is without guilt or worry. This week it is my bosses party on Saturday. I will not over indulge but simply eat until I am comfortable (half-full). Drink until I am satisfied.
I invite you to practice some self-love this weekend. Do something nice for yourself and create beauty no matter what you may be facing. Much love to you.