Monday, March 31, 2014

New month

I will be sharing work-out information tomorrow.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Letting go

Hubby and I - 03/28/14.


I'm still sick and was not able to train again today. Good news is the hubby is more receptive to change and is up for eating more of my healthy dishes. He has also stated he will start to work-out with me, (a couple times a week).

Work-out's and Training

I discussed my lack of work-outs and my work-out make-up structure with my trainer yesterday. He smiled, chuckled and finally said, "oh you are so intense". I said, "I know you don't believe in make-ups" he nodded and smiled. He then said, "you've been doing real well so just let it go".

I'm doing just that since I cannot make-up all of my mini-challenge, yoga sessions and other work-outs I missed while being sick. I told him I would still make-up my body for life work outs but would let go of everything else.

The plan is to double up a few days until I complete all of the indicated work-outs. I'm focused and ready to go as soon as I'm done spinning.


Today I created a recipe for a Vegetable and carne asada frittata with a weight watcher 5 point value per serving (approx. 250 calories).

Vegetable and Carne Asada Frittata.(serves 4)
  • 1/2 cup of diced onions
  • 2 zucchini cut in one-inch strips
  • 1 tomato, diced
  • 2 cups of thinly sliced spinach
  • 8 egg whites
  • 1/2 cup of shredded cheese blend
  • 2 oz of previously grilled flank steak, diced (carne asada)
  • 2 oz of tomatillo (green tomato) mild salsa
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • avocado (optional)
Start with warming olive oil in pan, add onions. When onions are clear add zucchini and mix well. Then add tomato and carne asada once mixed well add the green salsa. Allow a 2-3 minute simmer. Add egg whites. The egg whites will start to form bubbles when they do top with spinach and cheese and cover the pan. Lower the heat and allow to cook through 10-15 minutes. Plate with sliced avocado and salsa.

My husband which likes meat heavy frittata's, (and frowns about egg whites), loved this dish and asked for seconds. I'm up for creating and trying more recipes to mix-it-up.

To forming healthy habits.

Friday, March 28, 2014


Everyone has set-backs it is what we do with them that will make the difference.  During my exercise down time I am reading about meal plans, detox smoothies and setting my calendar for April.
I have also started to track my points on weight watchers. Now it's just a matter of putting  these plans into action.
To less dizzy spells.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I'm dizzy but it's not all bad.

My head goes round-round, baby, round-round, round...

...and after going to the doctor I have bad and good news.


Bad News

I need to relax and work from home until Monday. I have vertigo due to my current throat infection and I'm not allowed to drive. According to the doctor I can try to exercise with caution but nothing involving machines.


Good News

The other possible causation is my blood pressure medication. Due to my recent weight loss and the blood pressure results during my last few visits she thinks the medication could also be causing dizziness. What does this mean? I'm off my blood pressure medication as of today for a 30-day trial period.YES!!! Sure I have to keep a log to make sure my numbers are good but being able to eliminate medication is AWESOME. My blood-sugar medicine was also changed. I went from 2000mg to 500 mg a day. She thinks I may be able to eliminate the medication soon. I need to keep up my active lifestyle and clean eating habits.

12 Week Challenge

I'm working with what I've been dealt and I won't be quitting any time soon. My exercise routine may be limited but I'll keep on trying. 

To getting healthy.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Completion - Double Tuesday


Morning Snack
Berries, Greek Yogurt and Grapes. 

Mixed Green Salad and Chicken Portabello Mushroom Sandwich.
The bread for my sandwich was not wheat bread. They also included french fries with the meal. I picked at a few and practiced the "push away" right after.

Mixed Green Salad.

To better days.

Double Tuesday - Accountability

I need to push harder to keep on seeing results.
Tuesday's are also a fave because it is the third day of work-outs during my training week. Completing work-outs as scheduled makes me feel strong and the yoga class after work also gives me a nice change of pace.


It is time for me to focus on meals. Not a complaining, I can't do this type of conversation but simply an okay this is what I have to eat and I'm sticking to it. I became a weight watchers member a few months ago in order to start counting points and get my food under control. I did not share this sooner because I'M NOT FOLLOWING THE PROGRAM. Then I started the 12-week program and started their meal plan until the week I got sick (week 2) and I follow it 66% of the time. Not good enough, I say. 

Following a meal plan is not magic nor is it rocket science. It is just a matter of following the plan and practice the much coveted "push away" method. If I can't eat it, "push away". If I shouldn't eat it, "push away". The "walk away" and "run away" are also good methods.  

I'm in a good mental and emotional state so it is a perfect time to go  back to basics. Back to Clean Eating for the remainder of the 12-week program. I will take pictures of everything I put in my mouth today and share at the end of the day. This will not include what I already ate today. 

  • Egg whites with green salsa
  • 1/4 cup of beans 
  • two corn tortillas.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday. Cardio. Weight training details.


Back to the grind with clean eating. 
  • Breakfast: Egg whites scramble with spinach, onions and mushrooms in a wheat tortilla
  • Lunch: Mixed green salad and salmon. 
  • Afternoon Snack: Greek yogurt with granola. 
  • Dinner: Albondiga and vegetable soup with banana and milk.


Pushed hard during my walking to jogging training. My RPM during indoor cycling was pretty low no matter how hard I pushed. I kept on going regardless.

Weight training

Below are the details of the weight training rotation. I have been following the last three weeks and will follow the same routine during week 4. I will be changing the rotation in week 5.
Upper body
Chest- dumbell incline press and dumbell flyes.
Back- wide grip lat pull down and one arm dumbell rows.
Shoulders - lateral raises and reverse flyes.
Biceps- alternate dumbell curls and hammer curls.
Triceps- tricep kickbacks and bench dips
Lower body
Quadriceps - barbell squats and single leg extentions
Hamstrings - dumbell lunges and lying leg curls
Calves- standing heal raises and seated calf raises
Abs - cable crunches and oblique floor crunches.

I follow the body for life plan when it comes to the number of sets. The first week is usually trial and error to determine at which weight range to start in.

To getting stronger.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week 4.

My Goddaughter and I at Saturday Jazz Brunch.

Food. Free Day.

Yesterday was a free day filled with champagne, ice cream and fried tacos. I could have done without it. Mainly because it was excessive and I don't enjoy the food. When I eat in excess I find myself feeling disgusting afterwards. It is not a wrong, guilt or bad feeling it is more like, "OMG I can't walk and this is so uncomfortable feeling". Then I find myself craving salads and fruit. Eating healthy has become the norm.

Yet I'm struggling with conversations about food e.g. my mom talking about Friday night dinner during lent, friends talking about dinner out on the town, or planning a weight loss celebration by going to brunch. Those conversations/plans do not align with how I'm feeling and what I want to accomplish. I struggle because I know I need to make changes somewhere in this realm. I'm not sure exactly where and will focus on this more during week 4.

Scheduled Weight Training and 1/2 Cardio Make-up Session

Work Out

I WORK-OUT! This has become second nature to me and I am pretty good, (no matter how tired I am), about getting out and being active. I've realized that I struggle with the idea of getting it done more than I do with the actual work-out. I always feel AWESOME right afterwards so there is really no reason not to get pumped about a work-out. Week 4 is the last week I have the same weight training rotation so I will be sharing about the details in days to come. I'm still trying to make-up work-out's from my sick days but I will have to let go of the make-up idea some of them this week. 

To exploring my conversation around food and letting go. 

Friday, March 21, 2014


Loving the feeling I get after a good cardio session.

To getting hooked on cardio.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

I'm wide awake


I got ready and rushed out of the house for a work related conference this morning. I was walking down the hall when I saw my reflection and couldn't believe that person was me. I was surprised, pleased and in awe. Just as I think I'm not doing enough or I'm not seeing quick results...BAMN! The truth is I'm learning about myself daily and reminding myself about the importance of being patient and not making myself wrong when I have a set-back. But I also can't get comfortable with where I am in the process because I'm still 76 pounds away from goal. Today's visual surprise pushed me to go to the gym when I was too tired. 


I did my 12-week upper body training (doubled for last week's miss) and cardio instead of yoga to make - up for last week's miss. At some point I wanted to give up. I was sore, tired, and my body felt like it was going to give-out. Instead I pushed harder and self-talked: "i'm stronger, breathe in energy and breathe out negativity, stopping is not an option etc." --> In the end I felt proud and accomplished because I didn't quit. I'm building endurance.

To waking up from life's slumber.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I started my day with my cardio work-out and though I was beat from Tuesday I kept pushing. My mantra through out the whole work-out was: mind over matter. I completed both the interval and jogging training.
I went through more intense levels of soreness through out the day but today was also circuit day with my trainer, (aka my older brother). I told him how sore I was and I was trying to slip out of a hard work-out and as he gave me the look I toughened up. The good thing about my trainer is he is hard, and knows how to make work-outs fun. He lead me through more of a dance based/cardio barre work-out. It was fun and I worked hard so it was perfect. I stayed committed and he kept me active. 

To being pleased with being sore, sort of.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Completion - Double Tuesday

Work- Out

I completed all of the work-outs for the day. Well, I swapped out AM yoga for an extra lower body weight training session (the one I missed last week). The feeling after I complete a work-out is ALWAYS awesome. It motivates me to get out and do it again. .

Below is a pic of the 12-week Challenge Lower Body Work-out. All of the notes say "Okay" because I have tweaked the weights I'm lifting and I finally got it right!

12 Week Challenge

I've also taken pictures for week 3 - there isn't much of a change largely because I missed most of last week's work-outs due to illness. I'm doing it more for blog consistency. 

To being healthy and keeping active.

Accountability - Double Tuesday

Kiki: I was being Lazy.
Trainer: You Lazy? You're not lazy.
Kiki: Well I was getting Lazy.
Trainer: You? No, never you. You are one of the ones that gives me her all when she's in here. I don't buy it. I don't hear it.
Kiki: <smile>


I've been getting comfortable and just as I was thinking, I'm lazy, I remembered the convo with my trainer a few months ago. He didn't want to hear it. He didn't buy it. I'm not training with him now because of the 12-week challenge I decided to do on my own but I can hear him. So today, unlike yesterday. I'm getting back on track and sharing my training calendar with you. I have also included a list of all the work-outs I mention with a brief description.

Today will also be Double Tuesday...because I will post after I've completed everything for the day. It will also count for my missed posting on Saturday. 

March Training Calendar - Items scheduled are not always completed. 
I will share a  completed work-outs calendar at the end of the month. 

12-Week Body-for-Life Challenge (BFL)- This is the core of my exercise routine right now. I plan out what I am going to be working on weekly and follow through the routines as described in the instructions. On my cardio days I also follow the 8-week walking to running training schedule.

Boxing- "Many people see positive results from boxing; you may build stronger and more defined arms and legs, as well as increase your cardiovascular health." -220 Boxing 

Callenetics - This is one of those DVD's I really like but rarely follow when scheduled. Then when I complete the routine I feel great and stretched. 

Circuit Training - Is my favorite type of training. I was doing this regularly with 2 different trainers 3-4 times a week. I am currently only doing it once a week with a trainer on Wednesdays. Here is a good circuit training guide if you would like to start it on your own.

Hiking - I Hike Trails suitable for beginners. I use several different sites for research. 

Mini-Challenges - I am hooked on doing more exercise daily and I always have some type of mini-challenge I'm completing. For example this month I'm doing the strengthening ankles and better sex exercises three times a week. I also complete the ab and squat challenge daily.

Pop Physique - I purchased a groupon for these classes. It is good isolated movement. I would only continue to do this if they have another good new student special and it works with my schedule. Otherwise I prefer Cardio Barre which I have done in the past and hope to do again in the future.

Pole Dancing - "This class offers over 30 beginner pole spins & tricks including sensual dance movement, dance flow, sensual floor work & basic strength training drills to strengthen your upper body, abs & core. " -Allure Dance Studio

Vixenology - "Learn a mix of Sultry & Hard Poppin' dance routines to turn you into a Video Vixen. You’ll jam to the hottest songs and learn routines that’ll vary each week w/ hips shakin, booty poppin, twerkin & more." - Allure Dance Studio

Yoga - I start or end my days with Yoga. I use the AM & PM Yoga or  AM Yoga DVD at home. I also go to the local Yoga Studio for a class once or twice a week. I have also started to do guide myself through Yoga poses when I just want to listen to the meditation station on Pandora. 

To keeping it tight...

Monday, March 17, 2014

Loosing drive

I'm loosing part of my drive and it is all temporary,  I'm sure. I'm just comfortable after not working out for almost a week. Food restrictions have gotten looser the scale is the same.

It is not a long-term arrangement and I'm working out today. Back to my cardio and weight training routines it is.

To keeping it going.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Yesterday. Saturday. Free Day.

I was a busy social butterfly and I ate everything my heart desired - in portions. I've lost 95 pounds to date and I do not want to decelerate any progress.

Here are some of yesterday's highlights.

Fun with Friends at the Quinceanera
What I ate and did @ the Quinceanera 

  • approx. 4oz of Birria (beef type stew)
  • 1/4 of a cup of pork beans (pinto beans with chorizo)
  • two tortillas
  • 6 tortilla chips
  • No alcohol 
  • No soda 
  • Lots of water 
  • Danced for about 3 1/2 hours.

Cousin Love at My Aunt's 25th Wedding Anniversary Party

What I ate and did @ the Wedding

  • 1-1/2 cup of fish ceviche 
  • 20 tortilla chips
  • 1 tamale
  • 1/4 cup of rice
  • 1/2 a slice of cake 
  • a few chocolate kisses
  • No alcohol 
  • No soda 
  • Lots of water
  • Danced for about 1 hour

To finding balance. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Hey, hey, hey

It's Friday night and I'm still resting. Calorie intake has been low since I have been sick. Tomorrow I'm going to resume activity.

To pushing forward.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Yes, this is getting old...

Halloween 2011.
...but it is okay. Being sick allowed me to work from home today. It allowed me to take a nap for lunch and instead of commuting from work in the evening I napped again. I spent the rest of my night reflecting on the journey and made a plan for the missed work outs.

I'm adding a few work-outs to the months rotation and dancing this weekend. I am eating low-calorie meals on Saturday, my supposed free day.I am also extending my 12-week challenge one week since I lost most of my work-outs this week. It is all good and I am at peace with the process.

To being healthy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sick day 3...

And I'm bored out of my mind with not being able to work out. My energy is low and all I do is sleep. I hope to get active tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sick Day 2

Today I missed my body - for - life upper body weight training session. I am still feeling sick and went to the doctor where I was diagnosed with strep throat. The work day took a toll on me and I decided to rest and make - up my work out on a future date. 

To taking care of me.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Sick Day

I've been sick with chills, sore throat and a cough today. I did cardio thinking I'd sweat it out.
I felt good for the first 5 minutes after and then BAMN,  tired and super fatigued. Slept the rest of the day.

To feeling better tomorrow.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Day 1. Wk 2.

The exercise this morning was a no-brainer. I was up and ready to get it done this morning. Lower-body weight training was fun and I added in my own circuit training rotation to burn a few more calories.

Food on the other hand...was on the brain all day. I wanted healthy stuff but wasn't prepared so I was close to eating unhealthy foods. I reminded myself of the importance of eating only things from the body - for - life challenge food list.  Phew,  I made it through the day and even said, NO, to the pizza offer at my friends place. Yay!

To keeping my eye on the prize.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Free Day

According to the 12 week challenge today is a free day. No meal tracking and no exercise. It is the first Sat. in 8 months, (excluding illness and special occassions), where I have not followed my favorite Sat. special; circuit training and yoga packed into 3 hours. I don't like how I feel for not doing it. It's not guilt. It's not shame. I feel like I need it because it is something I  enjoy. Yep, change hit the core of my identity. I need my activity.

Next Sat. is a special occasion Sat. SO I will continue with my Sat. routine on 3/22. Sorry body - for - life challenge, I need more! I know a rest day is important but the lack of double work-outs, (AM & PM),  from my old routine make me feel like I'm resting a lot.

Yes, I may go over board but this process has taught me how to listen to my self, my body and to be flexible to change. So I will tweak the extras and make changes if I feel as though I'm over don't it. Now let's see how I do with a free eating day《scared face》!

To being flexible and allowing changes 《happy face》. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Week 1 of 12 complete

I've completed week one of the body for life challenge. I feel great but think I will add in more activity because I miss my usual double work-out days. I will be open to adjustments this week and see how it feels as I jog more.

To a great Friday night.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Almost forgot...

I was falling asleep and going through my daily mental checklist and .... AAhh Blog!

Today I did my 12 week challenge upper body weight training and caught up with one of my monthly challenges. I've done mini-challenges the last two months and I see results. Yes, I do a lot of other stuff too but I like to throw in the extra work. 

To victory! 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Lent: The time of year...

...when I gain the most weight.

This is the time of year when I GAIN, GAIN, GAIN. The time of year when I say, "oh my mom only makes this during lent so I must have it." 


This year I have a 12-week challenge. This year I am committed more than ever. This year I BELIEVE I can meet GOAL.


I am going to engage in only the positive behaviors of my lent traditions. I will volunteer and share myself with others. Do good for others.


I am also going to do something I have not done for years during lent. I am giving up something: I am giving up the story that I am meant to be fat. I am giving up my fear associated with being anything other than who I truly am: a happy and loving person full of life.


San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Oct. 2013
I am going to meet goal. I am clear my day to day "sacrifices" i.e. behavioral modifications, the hard work-outs, the amount of times I say, "NO", when I'm offered something unhealthy; are all for a greater good.


I am owning my greatness and sharing myself with others. I am going to mentor at risk-teens and live a life of purpose.

To reflecting, sacrificing and doing good for others. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Quitting is NOT an option.

Lower Body Exercise Body for Life Weight Training Day.

Scribble, Scribble. You see it as I work! 
I was discouraged when my local 24 hour fitness was packed at 5A. Not only was I one of three females in the room but the "lion" men weren't sharing the machines. Nor could I locate some of the ones I needed. So I walked out within 10 minutes of being there.

I sat in the car reflecting. I felt like I hit a wall. Then I came up with plan B. The local black diamond gym that is always empty, has plenty of weights and room for smiles. $20 a month and no contracts.  I went in checked if they had what I wanted and BAMN...back in the game.

To being flexible.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Walking to running training

Today was day one of body-for-life cardio training and the 8-week walking to running training

I was very proud of myself when my work-out was over mainly because I was able to jog. This is a HUGE accomplishment for me.

To new horizons.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Time for a reset

I'll be sharing daily and provide more details here and there. I'll also try to keep them short.

My Current Stats
Current weight: 227.6
Total pounds lost: 91
Size: 16-18 depending on the label

-body for life, food plan and exercise plan (weight training and interval cardio)
-monthly mini-challenges
- following an (8) week training guide for walking to jogging.
- (4) weeks of a (13) week half-marathon training.
-yoga daily
-Extras= activities from studios, outdoors or videos I add through the weeks e.g. circuit training, dance class, callenetics

12- Week Challenge Goal
-loss of 50 pounds
-dropping 6-8 sizes
-being able to jog at a steady pace for 4 miles
-having the strength to climb the pole
-continuing to make behavioral modifications.

To making goal.